By   14th June 2016

Masjid 1

When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) set out on Hijrat (migration) journey (as directed by ALLAH Almighty) from city Makkah to Madina, He did not have any house in that city. Prophet (PBUH) stayed at some generous and prominent tribes on the way, who offered and presented Prophet (PBUH) place to live. But He refused their proposals by showing His gratefulness for their gentleness. At last, He permanently stopped at a place where the masjid (mosque) of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), generally well-known as Masjid-e-Nabwi, was formed.

Millions of Muslims visit every year this beautiful masjid (mosque) for offering namaz (prayers) from all around the world, for it is the sign of their emotional attachment with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The original masjid (mosque) was very simple, which had the roof that is covering of straw; walls are built with date branches, and pillars of helpful tree trunks and flooring of bare sand. Its appearance and interior have been rebuild and modernized many times over the past centuries to have a space in room for many number of lovers of the Prophet (PBUH) to offer namaz (prayers) at a time. Below is a list of few of the facts about it.

Original vs. present Capacity

The original makeup of mosque was very simple with a size of only about 35*30 meters and height of almost 2.5 meters. With a passage of period, when more people embraced Islam, after the victory of battle of Khaibar, height and size of it was increased to 50*50 meters and 3.5 meters respectively.

As-Suffah Impact

In the early years, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) allocated a separate place with cool shelter right all along with the wall located on North side of masjid. It was designed for resting and spending night particularly for passengers and for those people who could not go anywhere as well, which shows the gentleness and actual base of Islamic teachings related to masjid. Unluckily, nowadays, our masjids have become just a place for offering salah and doors are locked after namaz time. The name Suffah meaning is “companion”, those sacrificing and selfless Muslims who had dedicated their lives for learning from the Prophet (PBUH) and the Holy Quran.

As Learning Institute

The mosque was not only used for offering prayers but also a key place for enlightenment and education for all. Sahaba (R.A) used to learn Quran Reading and understand Quranic teachings and debate among one another. Each and every one of them was trying to surpass each other in learning the most. After gaining knowledge, they used to go out and teach other people about Islam. This shows that masjid is not only a place to pray, but also an important source of preaching the religion of Allah Almighty.

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